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Innovate UK and Make UK Meet the Buyer

Posted on 21 November 2024

Innovate UK and Make UK Meet the Buyer

Make UK event in partnership with Innovate UK with a focus on Energy at Aston University on Monday 13th January.

We currently have the OEMs below participated and feel it is a great opportunity for our SME community to have the opportunity to meet them and showcase their innovative solutions.

We are offering the opportunity for some of our exciting innovators to meet senior leaders from these global manufacturers. This includes 1:1 time in a private room as part of an event hearing from experts and wider networking.

  • JLR
  • ABB
  • Danfoss
  • BP

The aim is to facilitate product access, R&D partnerships and increase connections. In July we tested the concept through a successful pilot, which has resulted in many of the technology introductions going through to next stage discussions to work more closely.

In order to be considered organisations must submit a simple EOI using the link below. 

All EOI will be reviewed by the OEMs and SMEs will be told if they have been successful before 19th December (at which point the Innovate UK team will also liaise with them on logistics for the day).

Complete a EOI and read more on the event here