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Papertrail Case Study - Glacier Energy Enhancing Compliance & Equipment Management

Posted on 01 July 2024

Papertrail Case Study - Glacier Energy Enhancing Compliance & Equipment Management

In today's world, effective equipment management is crucial for ensuring compliance, safety, and operations.

Glacier Energy’s Inspection Services division has recognised the importance of equipment management early on.

However, their processes were paper-based, time-consuming, and had a greater risk of inaccuracies. That's why they turned to Papertrail, an integrated management system that promised to enhance their equipment management and compliance processes.

We will explore Glacier Energy's Inspection Services divisions journey towards transforming their equipment management practices. We will gain insights into how this has helped the team achieve complete visibility, control, and streamlined their operations.


Integrated Management System

By implementing an integrated management system (IMS), Glacier Energy's Inspection Services division can demonstrate compliance to governing bodies and regulations, which is vital for being a preferred partner in the industry.

Before Papertrail, the team worked across shared drives, internal servers, or paper / ticketing systems, making compliance challenging to manage.

" Implementing has transformed our equipment management practice, streamlined our processes and provided us with complete visibility & control over our assets and management systems.

- Dave Jensen, QHSE Manager, Glacier Energy.

Centralised Dashboard: Real Time Tracking for Audits

Papertrail's centralised dashboard has simplified the team's work and allowed them to access important information in real-time, especially useful during audits.

Organisations like GWO and IRATA, along with compliance requirements from key customers impose rigorous standards. Meeting the demands of UKAS, ONR, DNV, LRQA, APQP 4 Wind and Fit4 Offshore Renewables and ISO Certifications is essential, as it demonstrates the commitment to maintaining high levels of compliance and quality.

Furthermore, Papertrail provided a clear picture of asset management, giving the team visibility on all available tools & equipment, and allowed them to keep track of their whereabouts, reducing the risk of misplaced or lost equipment.

Visibility & Structure

With Papertrail, they can also see who checked them out and when they are to be returned, leading to increased efficiency and reduced costs in equipment purchase and maintenance. 

Papertrail has also helped Glacier Energy save time on vehicle inspections and improve clarity of risks for compliance.

 "We’re saving time for essential Statutory requirements like vehicle inspections, PUWER, LOLER and infrastructure  producing certificates for ours and our customers compliance.

- Dave Jensen, QHSE Manager, Glacier Energy.

Overall, the team has found the organisation of data, folder structures, and accessibility with specific users on Papertrail to be highly beneficial, as it goes beyond asset management and allows them to store and manage certificates of training and competence for their Engineers and wind farm technicians.

"We recently had our highest ever audit score of 97.8% thanks in part to the adoption of Papertrail within our business”.

Dave Jensen, QHSE Manager, Glacier Energy.

Future benefits with NFC

Glacier Energy’s Inspection Services division is thrilled about the recent release of Papertrail's new NFC technology. With its easy scanning capabilities, intuitive interface, and multi-scan functionality, this cutting-edge system promises to assist their management & inspection procedures even further.

The team is already impressed with the user-friendly nature of the system and is excited about the potential for improved efficiency, streamlined operations, and enhanced compliance as they continue to leverage this innovative technology.

Glacier Energy Logo

Glacier Energy's Inspection Services Division specialises in providing a range of services to the wind and wider energy markets and has benefited from using many modules of, including

  • Equipment Management
  • Staff competency
  • NDT Procedures
  • Inspection reporting
  • Vehicle records and checks
  • Audit Schedule
  • Non conformance
  • Statutory PAT Testing
  • Electrical fixed wire testing & Tooling.